I gleaned this from a Yahoo Group that I subscribe to. I tried this suggestion on my setup and it worked as advertised. Below is reprinted unmodified from the Yahoo Group post:
If you have BIG BIG birdies/tone on certain fixed freqs on 20 metres at approx 14.090/029/091/151 and 14.213mhz and other various freqs etc and you use cat5 cable network and you think it is from your modem... it probably is not, it is those very dirty 100mb NIC chips in your NIC in the computer. To fix it, try changing the speed to 10mb and it disappears instantly!!
CONTROL PANEL/SYSTEM/DEVICE MANAGER/NETWORK ADAPTERS... RIGHT CLICK ON NIC,/PROPERTIES/ADVANCED then possibly SPEED/DUPLEX SETTINGS [or similar words] snoop around to find the 10mb full duplex or similar setting and change the speed to 10mb full duplex, apply etc....VOILA! if it was the NIC the birdies have GONE. or use wireless LAN and it fixes it as well providing you have no other cat 5 in the NICS in the house running at 100mb cheers graham VK6RO
That's it! It worked for me. Not only on HF but 6 meters as well. Hope this helps anyone else running a wired home network like I do.