Monday, January 14, 2008

I don't need HF, I can talk around the world with ____________

____________ (fill in the blank) be it D-Star, EchoLink, IRLP, eQSO... there are several VOIP / Amateur radio tied communication methods. They have been around a while and some are more popular than others. First off let me say that I believe all of these modes have their place and serve a useful purpose. I have been using VOIP technology long before I became a radio amateur. I used it to chat with my sister when she and her family moved to Peru as missionaries back in 1993. So, I've been using this stuff for a while. Would I become a radio amateur to do this communication when all I had to do was load software on my computer? Nope, probably not. Not worth the trouble and communication over the Internet to Peru was more reliable than HF would be. So, why get on HF when all you have to do is get connected?

I heard it said recently from a ham friend, "I don't need HF, I can talk around the world with D-Star though the gateway." While I respect my friend, I thought to myself, "I'm sure glad all Amateurs don't feel that way." I have different goals and objectives than my friend when it comes to Amateur Radio, and like many, I like a challenge. So, HF is not for everyone. I'm fine with that. I'm not saying one mode has to compete with the other, or should. It's a big hobby and folks should be allowed to explore, invest, and enjoy whatever aspect suites them. I just hope enough of us stick around to build the next ham radio infrastructure so that it will continue beyond the boundaries of the Internet.

Best 73,


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