Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well, after finally getting around to setting up a PSK station and really having a lot of fun with that, it occurred to me that all I needed to do for SSTV was to load the software. So I did. In a matter of minutes, I was getting some really cool pictures from all over the place on 14.230 MHz. As a matter of fact, the first picture I received after loading MMSSTV (great software as far as I, the beginner, am concerned)was from EA2JO in Spain. Following are the images I received for the next few minutes.

Pretty cool, those are two of the better images from the exchange. Following are a few more that I was able to receive.
For those that haven't seen the movie "The Dark Knight", the last image is from that movie. You never know what you will see come across. I have ended up in the past 24 hours receiving about 30 images on 20 Meters SSB.

For anyone that would like to give SSTV a shot, there are a few good sites to check out.
First of all, is a great reference for ham radio in general, and if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. The MMSSTV software is available for free from JE3HHT's website. Also I have found additional info at Hamuniverse - Intro to Slow Scan TV. The Hamuniverse site has some good info on how to play with SSTV without even using a standard interface; although I would recommend at the very least a cable with 1/8" headphone jacks on each end to plug into the external speaker port on the radio and on the line-in on your computer.

Have fun!!



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