For tonight's net and for the amateur radio public public reading this I would like to pose this question: What one thing have you invested in that has most increased the enjoyment you receive from operating your station?
The answer to this question has remained constant for me ever since I got my license, however it has taken on even greater importance to me as I continue on further in the hobby. When I first got my license, I was thrilled to be able to chat with my friends on the area 2m repeaters. Now, I still enjoy those things, but I spend most of my time operating modes other than FM and communicating with folks over much greater distances. I'm not going to tip my hat any further as to what my answer is to the above question until after the net this evening. I'm sure there are several out there that are interested to know what folks have done and are doing to increase their enjoyment of the hobby. Don't be shy, that is what amateur radio is all about. Sharing your skill and knowledge with others to further the enjoyment of the hobby.
Keep your antennas high and your coax dry,
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