Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This net's topic: What mode do you prefer?

In spite of the sometime rather loud "popcorn" on the repeater, we had a few still stop in a take a few rounds on six meters.

NØIRN Gary, Springfield
KCØTCF Bill, Bois 'D Arc
KQØQ Lance, Springfield
KCØTQD James, Springfield
W8KIR Bill, Ozark
KC5MNP Mike, Walnut Grove

I asked the question to the group about what "mode" did folks operate most and why. Most of the answers were on or related to FM. Some did mention enjoying SSB on HF and six meters. The things most often mentioned as to why others don't work other modes were cost and placing antennas. This seems to be a common response nowadays. I enjoy all of radio that I have time to enjoy. FM, repeaters, simplex, HF/6m SSB, PSK, Olivia, MFSK16, FDMDV.... I'd like to put up better antennas for 220 and 6m FM and add one for 900Mhz and a 10m vertical. Why so many? Well, if you're going to work weak-signal or simplex antenna is everything even more so on weak-signal modes. I feel very fortunate to have two 6m and one HF antenna up outside.... 2m, 220, and 440 antennas are in the attic. No, that's not optimal, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I spend most of my time on six meters and HF so that is what I put most of my effort into and why those antennas are up outside. Having those antennas is where most of my operating enjoyment comes from. All I can say.. there's a way to get it done if the desire is there. It can be done.



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