Monday, March 10, 2008

Times they are a changin...(sorry)

Well, I for one am glad to get back to what I call normal time. I like the added daylight in the evening that allows for yardwork, ham projects, working on things around the house, ham projects, relaxing, and ham projects. Great net, and we have a few things coming up, like the Green Country Hamfest this Friday/Saturday in Claremore, OK; the Ozark Con QRP Conference in Joplin MO; and the WØOAR Hamfest in Mt. Vernon.
Also, look forward to seeing those pictures for the Show Us Your Shack posting. Who knows, we might even come up with some kind of prize for the best/most creative picture.

Bill, KCØTCF - Bois D Arc
Alan, KØAWD - Springfield
David, WBØQIR - Springfield
Lance, KQØQ - Springfield
Doug, KØDPS - Ozark
Bill, W8KIR - Ozark
James, KBØNHX - Nixa
Jeff, KCØVGC - Springfield
Cecil, ACØHA - Mobile

Thanks to all for your time and support of the net!



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