Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring is in the air, along with some propagation?

Thanks to the check ins we had March 31-

Gary, N0IRN
Jeff, KC0VGC
Bill, KC0TCF
Robert, KC0WSE
Cecil, AC0HA
Alan, K0AWD
Rich, KB9YZE

Still don't have a date yet for Jeff's tower climb....:)



Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This net's topic: What mode do you prefer?

In spite of the sometime rather loud "popcorn" on the repeater, we had a few still stop in a take a few rounds on six meters.

NØIRN Gary, Springfield
KCØTCF Bill, Bois 'D Arc
KQØQ Lance, Springfield
KCØTQD James, Springfield
W8KIR Bill, Ozark
KC5MNP Mike, Walnut Grove

I asked the question to the group about what "mode" did folks operate most and why. Most of the answers were on or related to FM. Some did mention enjoying SSB on HF and six meters. The things most often mentioned as to why others don't work other modes were cost and placing antennas. This seems to be a common response nowadays. I enjoy all of radio that I have time to enjoy. FM, repeaters, simplex, HF/6m SSB, PSK, Olivia, MFSK16, FDMDV.... I'd like to put up better antennas for 220 and 6m FM and add one for 900Mhz and a 10m vertical. Why so many? Well, if you're going to work weak-signal or simplex antenna is everything even more so on weak-signal modes. I feel very fortunate to have two 6m and one HF antenna up outside.... 2m, 220, and 440 antennas are in the attic. No, that's not optimal, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I spend most of my time on six meters and HF so that is what I put most of my effort into and why those antennas are up outside. Having those antennas is where most of my operating enjoyment comes from. All I can say.. there's a way to get it done if the desire is there. It can be done.



Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday's die-hards

Discussion on the net was mostly related to the new 224.280 and 927.5375 KCØLUN repeaters that were recently brought on-line. Some folks, including myself, have taken the plunge on 220 and 900 gear. Looking forward to using those bands. It's been very interesting to see how well 220 and 900 work in some cases. I'm pretty amazed with what I can hear on 220 as far as mobile stations. I was able to hear KBØNHX mobile direct from Spokane (about 25 miles). That's not too bad. I attribute that to two things. Lower noise on 220 and that the receiver in the Icom IC-37A is a bit better than some of the newer FM rigs of today.

Thanks to Nixa Amateur Radio club for taking on the goal of having five repeaters on the air and linkable. I'm sure this will be an asset to the amateur radio community as well as a great way to keep the bands active.

Here's the fine folks that checked in with us...

KBØNHX, James, Nixa
KCØTQD, James, Springfield
KCØTCF, Bill, Bois 'D Arc (pronouced Bo Dark)
KØAWD, Alan, Springfield
KØDPS, Doug, Ozark
KE7ABH, David, Springfield (crossband link)
WBØQIR, David, Springfield

That is all,


Monday, March 10, 2008

Times they are a changin...(sorry)

Well, I for one am glad to get back to what I call normal time. I like the added daylight in the evening that allows for yardwork, ham projects, working on things around the house, ham projects, relaxing, and ham projects. Great net, and we have a few things coming up, like the Green Country Hamfest this Friday/Saturday in Claremore, OK; the Ozark Con QRP Conference in Joplin MO; and the WØOAR Hamfest in Mt. Vernon.
Also, look forward to seeing those pictures for the Show Us Your Shack posting. Who knows, we might even come up with some kind of prize for the best/most creative picture.

Bill, KCØTCF - Bois D Arc
Alan, KØAWD - Springfield
David, WBØQIR - Springfield
Lance, KQØQ - Springfield
Doug, KØDPS - Ozark
Bill, W8KIR - Ozark
James, KBØNHX - Nixa
Jeff, KCØVGC - Springfield
Cecil, ACØHA - Mobile

Thanks to all for your time and support of the net!



Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Show us your shack!

If you would like to share a picture of you and/or your shack, we would be happy to post it here on HT, Mobile, "base", inside, outside, whatever you would like to show us. Even include a caption and we will include it as well. Send your photos to

1ST Shack Entry - KØAWD, Alan - Sporting the 6 Meter Midland on the upper left! Nice collection, Alan! (I have the same 1993 Handbook in my shack, by the way.)

SHACK #2 -

Jeff has several radios in the shack here, from left to right on the first row....

IC-37A 220Mhz, FT-450, FT-857D
FT-8900R 440/2m/6m/10m, HF/UHF SWR meter, MFJ-945E Tuner
Motorola GTX 900Mhz

Quite a shack, Jeff! And nice rock posters on the wall!

And then here is KCØVGC's shack before the photoshop special effects....

Twas the Net before Snowfall.(again)

Enjoyable net as the snow began to fall and the fire was crackling.... or was that my power supply?

Thanks to all who joined us for the net on Monday evening; we had a good time with the group. I will say I believe most of us are looking forward to some more good weekends to get out and work on antenna projects or just plain get out and have some fun operating! Lots of good things coming up with hamfests and more on the horizon.

And the list, which I must apologize is not in order:

Gary, n0irn
Doug, k0dps
Alan, k0awd
Jeff, kc0vgc
Lance, kq0q
Randy, kc0ukb
David, wb0qir
Dave, wa0sap
Bill, kc0tcf
John, kc0qnm
Cecil, ac0ha

Once again, thanks for tuning in, and thanks to Jeff, kc0vgc for taking over the closing as my battery rapidly dwindled. Catch you all next week and may you be visited by good band openings in the meantime.

